Monday, April 13, 2009

What in the World is A Funded Proposal And Why It Can Grow Your Business

A funded proposal is a system that a network marketer would plug into to earn up front cash fast to fund any advertising costs to market their website.

It works because it's a system that offers a product that is structured to help solve a problem a person may be having. The cost for this product is ususally very low, no more than fifty dollars. When the prospect buys that product the network marketer receives a commission from that sale. This is the primary goal of a funded proposal: To receive up front fast cash to fund further advertising costs while helping someone get what they want or need. It's a win-win situation. There are no losers here period.

Also it is a system that provides multiple streams of income over time, again helping the network marketer in getting that up front cash flow. You need to be making money off ALL your prospects, regardless of whether they join your primary business or not…

After all why are people on the internet? To look for information or to solve a problem. A funded propsal provides just that. It gives proper information and a solution to a problem. Let me ask you this, What would YOU rather be doing? Approaching people, lets say in a mall, about your business and you have no idea wheather or not the people you approach will be interested in what you have to offer them. Or, would you rather be marketing your product, system or campany name In such a way that people find you? Which one do you think would succeed and which one would fail? It's a no brainer right? I want prospects coming to me because they need my help to solve their problem. If I solve their problem than I have their trust and that is HUGE for success in your business. That my friends, is the short-term goal of the funded proposal system. You have to build trusting relationships. It will be so much more frustrating for you if you don't do this one thing.

If you KNOW you need to be making up front cash right now to fund your businesses growth…
Check out what a funded proposal system looks like and how it can help your online success

So in a nutshell a funded proposal is put in place to:

1. Provide you with fast cash flow to fund your advertising costs so you won't go broke. If you go broke, than advertising stops, resulting in certain failure.
2. Solve a problem someone is having. This is done by offering a product at a very low cost.
3 Build a massive list so you can introduce them to your primary business.
4. Have prospects searching for you instead of you having to search for them. It reduces your time, energy, frustration and your chances of quiting
5. Build trusting relationships

Take a look at what A funded proposal looks like and how it can help you in your online success:

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